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Q Agentur für Forschung GmbH

Markets, products, and issues are nothing without the people who drive them. We are here to help you understand them and act accordingly.

After all, regardless of whether it’s markets, products, or issues, people are subjective. We will help you to understand the system behind this subjectivity. For strategic and operative results that just turn out better − objectively speaking.

8 January

GPT-4 equals the performance of the top specialized ABSA (Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis) models that have been developed until this year, while learning from just six examples. GPT-3.5, when fine-tuned, achieves the highest accuracy currently known.

16 February 2023

A guide for evaluation of sentiment analysis solutions for market research: What to watch out for when choosing sentiment analysis software

9 February 2023

A guide for evaluation of sentiment analysis solutions for market research: What to watch out for when choosing sentiment analysis software

2 February 2023

A guide for evaluation of sentiment analysis solutions for market research: What to watch out for when choosing sentiment analysis software

26 January 2023

A guide for evaluation of sentiment analysis solutions for market research: What to watch out for when choosing sentiment analysis software