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Kathy Joe

Research World Editorial Consultant at ESOMAR

Kathy Joe served for many years as Director of International Standards and Public Affairs at ESOMAR before retiring in 2016. She currently still works periodically for ESOMAR as its Editorial Consultant for Research World.

Prior to working for ESOMAR, Kathy worked at The Economist and Euromoney and gained a BSc Hons in Politics and Sociology from the University of Southampton in the UK.

With a passion for research and insights and long experience in working with global teams to formulate editorial content, privacy policies and professional standards, she has worked with research professionals from around the world on far-ranging topics including innovation and best practice in consumer insights, knowledge and strategy.

As ESOMAR Director of International Standards, Kathy led the development and promotion of global research codes and privacy guidelines.

She volunteers for projects with NGOs such as Amnesty International and is a Board Member and Secretary of Dance Connects.

27 March 2024

The abundance of data from diverse sources presents both opportunities and obstacles. A proactive self-regulation policy such as the currently under-revision ICC/ESOMAR Code will be pivotal in addressing them.

8 November 2021
in General

What distinguishes the top performing research agencies from the rest?