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Mary Mathes

Director of Data Insights at Alpha-Diver

Mary Mathes is the Director of Data Insights for Alpha-Diver. She is an expert in revealing strategic, data-driven stories whose career path has been anything but status quo.

Mary Mathes is the Director of Data Insights for Alpha-Diver. She is an expert in revealing strategic, data-driven stories whose career path has been anything but status quo.

From starting out in traditional market research with consumer goods at Nielsen BASES to her pivot to international relations as an intelligence analyst in Washington DC, and now to helping brands grow with insights and strategy via the foundational drivers of human behaviour, Mary has honed a unique ability to distil crucial insights, place business challenges in context, and devise tangible solutions that let her activate Alpha-Diver’s neuroscience-driven understanding on another level.

16 June 2023

“Think like a content creator” is a suggestion I keep hearing as we at Alpha-Diver continually look for ways to make our insights more actionable and easier for clients to digest and disseminate within their organizations.


5 min read
19 April 2023

Neuroscience breaks through the hype