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Filtered by: Women in Research Clear
8 March

Embracing the unexpected: my career journey from Data Dread to Data Empathy

8 March

"It took me about 30 years to admit that there is a place for feminists or female quotas in business."

8 March

Curious at heart, from a very young age, I was intrigued by how local brands in my country connected with the people and managed to touch their hearts with their actions.

8 March

As a woman deeply entrenched in the world of Market Research and Insights, my journey has been one of constant learning, growth, and impactful contributions

8 March

Think big about yourself and surround yourself with people who think even bigger about you.

8 March

My journey through the world of Market Research: Lessons, challenges, and triumphs

8 March

Like many professionals in this industry, I arrived here by accident rather than design.

8 March

More than three decades ago, I started working in the market research industry, in the most exciting times of the industry, as the ‘pen & paper’ data collection started to be replaced by more advanced techniques like CATI and CAPI.

10 March 2023
in General

Read the series of articles written by incredible women for International Women's Week!

10 March 2023
in General

Read the series of articles written by incredible women for International Women's Week!

10 March 2023
in General

Read the series of articles written by incredible women for International Women's Week!