Beyond Bolt-On: How Smarter AI Is Transforming Market Research

16 October

AI is advancing rapidly, but market research tools feel outdated. While platforms like ChatGPT are making waves, many research solutions still offer basic summaries and simple charts. This is no longer enough.

5 min read

The Next Phase of AI in Market Research

The world of AI is advancing at a breakneck pace, but in market research, the tools we’ve been handed often feel one step behind. While generative AI platforms like ChatGPT are grabbing headlines, many of the solutions tailored for research are still stuck in the past—offering simple summaries, automated reports, and basic charts. That’s not enough anymore.

In a time when consumer expectations are evolving and brands are pressured to understand their audiences with more empathy and precision, market researchers need AI that doesn’t just automate tasks, but accelerates insights in a deeper, more strategic way.

It’s time for AI in market research to move to the next phase—one that empowers researchers to have natural language conversations with their data, drill down into complex patterns, and uncover actionable insights in real-time. Enter Asa, the AI-powered research assistant from Canvs AI, designed to take market research beyond basic automation.

Meet Asa: The AI Research Sidekick for Insights Superheros

Asa isn’t just another AI tool—it’s an AI sidekick purpose-built for the unique challenges of consumer insights and deeply integrated within the Canvs AI insights platform. Asa is the most powerful and advanced AI research sidekick on the market, combining 10 years of data science, patented emotion measurement, automatic topic and thematic summarization, and a detailed understanding of unique research use cases by industry with a natural language interface. 

Unlike typical AI solutions that only summarize feedback or count keywords, Asa takes things a step further by helping researchers collaborate with their data conversationally. Whether you’re dealing with unstructured feedback, qualitative survey responses, or quantitative trends, Asa allows you to ask nuanced, complex questions and get to the heart of what your data is really saying.

Here’s what sets Asa apart—and why it represents the future of AI in research.

Key Capabilities: How Asa Transforms Market Research

Market researchers today need more than just automation; they need AI that helps them work faster and smarter. Asa does this by offering four key capabilities, each designed to tackle the most pressing challenges in market research:

Investigate: Dive Deeper Into Your Data

With Asa, researchers can quickly generate detailed summaries and explanations, but it doesn’t stop there. Asa lets you probe into specific areas of interest, offering real-time insights that reveal patterns, sentiments, and emerging themes hidden within your data.

Example in Action: You can ask Asa questions like, “What are the main drivers of dissatisfaction for customers aged 18-24?” or “What emotions were most frequently expressed in feedback from Q2?” Asa will not only identify the key themes but also provide contextual explanations, so you understand why those patterns are emerging.

Compare: Merge Quantitative and Qualitative Data Instantly

One of Asa’s most powerful skills is its ability to compare quantitative and qualitative data side-by-side. Want to see how different age groups or regions are reacting to your latest product launch? Asa enables instant cross-segment comparisons, helping you dig into demographic insights without hours of manual filtering.

Example in Action: Let’s say you want to know how emotions shifted between Q1 and Q2 for your top promoter segment. You can ask Asa to show you the emotional trends driving promoters in each quarter, while also quantifying those differences. With Asa, you can even isolate key themes by demographic filters like age, gender, or location.

Visualize: Turn Insights Into Impactful Visuals

Numbers and narratives only go so far if you can’t communicate them clearly to stakeholders. Asa makes it easy to create tailored visualizations that bring your insights to life. From emotional heat maps to theme comparison charts, Asa helps researchers present data in a way that resonates with decision-makers.

Example in Action: Asa can help you create visualizations that illustrate the prevalence of specific themes across different regions or customer segments. Want to see how satisfaction scores vary across age groups? Just ask Asa, and it will generate a clear, customizable chart that tells the story visually.

Consult: Get Strategic Recommendations on Demand

Beyond analysis, Asa goes a step further by offering strategic insights and recommendations. Whether you need help pulling key quotes, crafting narratives, or identifying the most impactful next steps, Asa acts as a consultant that empowers you to drive business decisions with confidence.

Example in Action: Let’s say you’re preparing a report on a new product concept. You can ask Asa for recommendations on which customer segment to target based on the qualitative feedback you’ve gathered. Asa will identify the ideal demographic based on the data and provide supporting quotes to strengthen your case.

The Future of AI in Market Research: Why Asa Is the Next Phase

Market research deserves AI that doesn’t just streamline tasks, but actually elevates the insights process. The real challenge for insights professionals isn’t just handling vast amounts of data—it’s extracting meaning from that data in a way that is both quick and comprehensive. Asa is here to meet that challenge.

While earlier generations of AI tools focused on speeding up rote processes, Asa empowers researchers to go deeper into the data and collaborate with AI in real time. It’s about moving beyond simple automation to uncover the insights that truly matter—and transforming them into actions that drive business success.

In short, Asa isn’t just about efficiency. It’s about unlocking empathy in data, enabling researchers to connect more meaningfully with their audience.

Conclusion: AI for Research, Reimagined

The market research industry is ready for its next phase—one that moves beyond basic generative AI tools to smarter, more intuitive solutions. Asa represents the AI that insights professionals have been waiting for: an AI sidekick that does more than summarize, it partners with you to investigate, compare, visualize, and consult on your data.

The future of market research lies in true collaboration between human intelligence and AI. Asa is here to make that future a reality.

Visit to learn more about Asa and his skills. 

Trip Kucera
EVP, Marketing at Canvs AI