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1 November 2023

Culturally, we’re in a decidedly teenage era. So why do consumers behave in specific ways and buy certain product categories and brands?

6 September 2023

"If you, as a brand or company, are taking a stance on cultural issues, who and what are you trying to influence?"

6 July 2023

The visibility of LGBTQ+ individuals in media and their representation in campaigns, ads, and content has a lasting impact on creating an inclusive social atmosphere.

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12 June 2023

Is your current brand tracking solution not cost or time efficient? Are you finding your brand tracking outcomes aren’t always actionable or relevant?

9 May 2023

Walid Benchama discusses the importance of being moment-of-truth oriented in our quest to understand behaviours, evolving stakeholders' mindsets, advancing insights and how brands are understanding consumers.

17 February 2022

Emotional values are the key to brand loyalty.