Qualitative methods
Qualitative methods are used to understand people's beliefs, experiences, attitudes, behavior, and interactions.
Within an online environment, participants are extended the freedom to share ideas and sentiments that they otherwise might not feel comfortable sharing
Predictive qual
6 min readHow to turn the art of qual into a science of impact?
Insight communities – hidden depths
9 min readInsight communities (also known as MROCs) seem to be on a roll, increasingly taking centre stage in many research designs. Find out why.
Brand ethics in pandemic time
6 min readStep 2 – The company location from the point of view of consumers and employees
The hidden key to happiness
7 min readPractice gratitude - day in day out. Try to trust more and forgive.
Identity conflict
4 min readUnpacking conflict & tensions across consumers' multiple identities
Sales and market research
7 min readSales and market research – how do they rub along together, if at all?
Practising empathy
6 min readWhy showing empathy is not as easy as it may sound?
Market research vs. UX research
11 min readWhy we need integration
AI turns qualitative data into numerical representations you can compute with, quantify, and confidently extract patterns from.
Social listening has a long way to go
8 min readDo you always have to generate primary data to arrive at Qual insights?
The sudden removal of human contact as we once knew it has thrown up barriers to doing meaningful, focused interaction.
Making outcomes more meaningful, whilst insights become more valuable and valued.
Sandeep Dutta interviews Oana Rengle for Research World
Welcome to the Twatterverse!
5 min readThe death of evidence?
Sandeep Dutta interviews Oana Rengle for Research World
Best practices for crafting a discussion guide that results in effective research.
Experience improvement
6 min readHow to wield market research methodology and technology to grow and convert customers
Almost all of the world’s regions experienced a substantial increase in user experience research since 2019