Recent articles

24 June

During Isabelle's career, she has seen the industry shift from focusing solely on "consumer insights" to exploring "human truths". This reflects a growing understanding that we need to view people as complete human beings, not just as consumers.

19 June
in General

António and Ajitha share some reflections from the Women in Tech 2024 conference in Warsaw, Poland

19 June

Sophia Mobbs unfolds what brands miss when they don’t look beyond men and women.

17 June

Does your year of birth really hold the key to your buying habits and to how you approach your work? Many marketers are adamant that it does, and the results of their work back it up.

12 June
in General

Andrew Cleary shares his views on the advantages and challenges of conducting a random probability sampling project in this extract from the report.

10 June

Does your year of your birth really hold the key to your buying habits and to how you approach your work? Many marketers are adamant that it does, and the results of their work back it up.