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Advertorial Series
27 July 2022

The power of market share projection

Data Degradation

10 min read
22 December 2021
in General

Your surveys, your data, your clients are being affected in ways that we’ve just begun to uncover.

26 October 2023
in General

Companies using behavioural science outperform peers by 85% in sales growth and 25% in gross margin. This article describes a critical way in which behavioural science boosts research agency growth: by reducing opportunity costs.

10 January 2023
in General

Good research starts with ‘why’ and ends with the right decision

21 March

The recent MIE'24 conference had important lessons for the insights industry, illustrating that those who embrace and leverage AI responsibly will gain a competitive edge in shaping the future of the insights industry.

6 April 2022

Do we need a new vocabulary?

28 September 2023

Christian Kurz explains how audience insights are driving content development and channel strategies as the industry continues to transform.

17 July 2023

When we hear that inflation is high, or the exchange rate is down, or that unemployment is up, we start thinking about the general economic situation. And – more specifically – how it’ll affect our own business.

Insight250 jury

5 min read
31 January 2023
in General

International Jury for the 2023 Insight250 Awards announced

27 January 2023
in General

Discover the latest companies who have chosen to join the ESOMAR community as corporate members.

27 July 2023
in General

Discover the latest companies who have chosen to join the ESOMAR community as corporate members.

1 December 2021
in General

Change your organisation’s instead

4 April
in General

What is the moral case for what we do as market researchers? It's a question that demands more than just a casual response. Turns out, there are cases both for and against the morality of market research.

23 January 2023
in General

The internalisation of the insights function

16 November 2021

Second part of a conversation with two individuals who are disrupting the creative advertising space through insight and innovation: Sir Martin Sorrell, Executive Chairman of S4 Capital and Scott Spirit, its Chief Growth Officer.

25 October 2021

Policymakers should give greater consideration to long-term outcomes of nudges

29 November 2021

Apple App Store has become one of the most wanted mobile marketplaces among the world's developers

27 October 2023

We explore the future of surveys in research and the role of AI with Florian Myter, the co-founder of Weavely.

25 October 2023

In this podcast we delve into how AI is transforming the way we plan our travels, creating more personalised and inclusive experiences.

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