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30 April
in General

Technological advancements have reshaped market research, but it's not that simple. Here, we provide an edited extract of a chapter that can be found in ESOMAR’s Global Market Research report.

16 April

The paramount concern for software vendors is crafting capabilities that adhere to the diverse spectrum of privacy standards and legislation across the world.

15 April

ESOMAR’s Global Prices Study 2023 finds that the global median price for social listening projects involving the delivery of data collection, presentation and advanced analytics has been steadily increasing over the years.

9 April
in General

If we don’t do something, we will not have any respondents left. Exploring the causes of lower survey quality and the main solutions to overcome the problem from the perspectives of market research and insights industry stakeholders.

5 April

Digital ethnography has rapidly become a powerful tool for understanding consumer insights and motivations. For the food and beverage industry, it can deliver more precise, enduring, and actionable insights.

4 April
in General

What is the moral case for what we do as market researchers? It's a question that demands more than just a casual response. Turns out, there are cases both for and against the morality of market research.

2 April

The results of the latest ESOMAR Users and Buyers Global Insights Study show there is much to be positive about in the next 12 months, alongside clear challenges ahead for internal insights teams and their research agency partners.

27 March
in General

The abundance of data from diverse sources presents both opportunities and obstacles. A proactive self-regulation policy such as the currently under-revision ICC/ESOMAR Code will be pivotal in addressing them.

20 March

This article explores the legal and ethical impacts of AI in the market research and insights industry from the perspectives of its various stakeholders.

29 January

In this two-part article, the authors will lay out a ‘plausible possible future’ for knowledge work, with a framework that provides a view of the potential impact of the widespread adoption of AI on the knowledge worker.

16 November 2023
in General

What is an insight, why are they so critical to marketing success, and what’s the secret to getting them right?

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1 November 2023

Culturally, we’re in a decidedly teenage era. So why do consumers behave in specific ways and buy certain product categories and brands?

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AI: All-Inputs

5 min read
4 October 2023

We are the chefs. Data are our ingredients.

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1 October 2023

But concerns exist.

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